Photo Restoration
Photo restoration is one of VIP’s specialties and is always carried out in-house. With over 25 years experience in photographic restoration and we’ll always put quality and care first for the benefit of our customers.
Will my print or photograph be reduced in size or have its dimensions changed?
We will never change the dimensions of a print or photograph for our convenience. Every restored image is custom sized to your preference.
What materials are used in restoration?
Only high-quality pigment inks and a professional quality printer. We source a high standard of acid-free photographic paper, which has a lifespan of 45 to 60 years.
What medium or format is preferred?
Any photograph or print that is damaged can be brought to us and assessed for the extent of the damage. Quoting for photo restoration can be done on the spot for your convenience, but you are welcome to send us a photo of the damaged print in any format by email (preferably in JPEG, PSD or TIFF format) in the highest quality possible so we can accurately assess your photograph for your quote.
My photograph is very damaged. What sort of damage can a photograph be restored from – fading, fire, or flood damage?
Many photographs come to us and in various stages of health. They can come to us well-kept and a little faded, or come to us following disasters such as fires and floods which need considerably more work in the restoration process. In a rare case, some photographs are too damaged to be restored, and we will let you know when this is the case.
Can video and audio be restored?
If a tape comes to us with water or mould damage, or the tape is physically broken, we can pull apart and repair the tape, re-spool the tape, re-house it and copy it to CD or DVD. We can attempt to repair any cassette, beta tape, VHS or slides. We take extra care in repairing audio and video due to the fact these are usually family heirlooms, videos of childhood or of important family events like weddings, and are highly valuable to their owners.
We can facilitate data recovery from computer hard drives using a service we highly recommend. This is the only restoration we outsource simply for the fact it requires a technician to do the recovery, as the drive itself must be pulled apart and the small components must be digitally scanned in order to recover the files.
Please see our Digital Conversion page for more info.
More questions?
Whatever your photo restoration needs, we’re always only a phone call away, or call in and see us in our Nambour shop soon. Click through to our contact page and call or email us for any questions you might have.